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List of Best Consumer Law Research Topics & Ideas

1. A Review of Consumer Law Perspectives Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Research Aim:

This study aims to explore the aspects of consumer law in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on consumers’ rights.

Research Objectives:

  • To identify and examine the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer rights legislation.
  • To measure the efficacy of current consumer protection measures during the pandemic in selected countries.
  • To investigate the effects of the lockdown on customer behaviours and their awareness of their rights.

2. The Effect of the UK Consumer Law on Subscription-Based Services and Cancellation

Research Aim:

This study aims to examine a specific and emerging area of UK consumer law relating to subscription services and more specifically, consumers’ cancellation rights.

Research Objectives:

  • To analyse the existing law about subscription services and their cancellation policies.
  • To determine consumer awareness concerning their rights provided by UK law to cancel their subscriptions.
  • To recommend what specific changes can be made to better protect the consumers using the subscription services.

3. Exploring the Implication of Consumer Law in the Fight Against Counterfeit Drugs

Research Aim:

The study aims to critically assess the most common consumer law that has a bearing on the counterfeit pharmaceuticals challenges and health consumer protection.

Research Objectives:

  • To identify and assess the existing legislation governing consumers in the pharmaceutical industry and their extensity to counter feigned drugs.
  • To evaluate the involvement of regulatory bodies in the fight against Fake and Substandard drugs and consumers.
  • To offer solutions to improve the consumer law to address the fake drug problems.

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    4. Examining supply chain disruptions and consumers’ legal rights

    Research Aim:

    This study aims to discuss the legal issues that the disruptions in the supply chain have on the consumers’ ability to access products and services.

    Research Objectives:

    • To identify and review specific cases that show legal litigation concerns stemming from problems in the supply chain.
    • To assess the effectiveness or lack of current consumer protection laws in helping with problems associated with supply chain disruptions.
    • To assess the effect that disruptions of supply may have on consumers and their rights and choices.
    5. Analysing the Efficacy of Consumer Warranties in Electronics

    Research Aim:

    This paper aims to assess consumer warranties that will protect the buyers of electronic appliances and ensure the reliability of the products.

    Research Objectives:

    • To assess the potential of the consumer warranties as instruments to safeguard the interested consumers of the electronic appliances and affirm their reliability.
    •  To assess the level of consumer awareness and usage of warranty terms and condition as it relates to product failures.
    • To make suggestions on how the warranty policies might be turned to incorporate the consumer protection and satisfaction policies.
    6. The Use of Consumer Law in Mitigating Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC)

    Research Aim:

    The purpose of this research is to examine and analyse the role of consumer law concerning the administration of the UCC and the effectiveness of the legislation for consumers.

    Research Objectives:

    • To determine and then contrast the legislation as well as the regulations currently enacted in the UK thus concerning unsolicited commercial communications.
    • To evaluate the effectiveness of the measures to prevent the UCC and to exercise consumer protection.
    • To establish the level of consumers’ awareness and attitudes concerning their rights that protect them from receiving commercial communications.
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    7. Consideration of the Effectiveness of the Consumer Law in Combating Online Auction Fraud

    Research Aim:

    The objective of this research will be to assess the effectiveness of the law that deals with consumers and scams in online auction sites for consumers.

    Research Objectives:

    • To examine and evaluate the laws and policies particularly those that deal with the phenomenon of online auction fraud in the UK.
    • To assess the success of these online auction sites to consumer protection and fraud regulations.
    • To offer recommendations on enhancing the consumer law in this form to protect the consumer against such fraud when using online auctions.



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