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Civil Rights Dissertation Topics

1. The Evolution of Voting Rights in the United States

Aim: To identify the evolution of this concept, with a particular focus on the laws and precedents concerning voting rights in the United States.


  1. Explain the historical evolution of voting rights legislation.
  2. Discuss the consequences that voting restrictions have within marginalized communities.
  3. Assessment of modern threats to voting.

2. The Role of Social Media in Modern Civil Rights Movements

Aim: In order to understand the impact of using social media platforms in the organisation and promotion of civil rights activism.


  1. Explore the extent to which social media is being adopted by civil rights activists.
  2. Discuss how online activism can effectively be used in awareness creation.
  3. Evaluate how social media can be both a strength and a weakness when it comes to activism.

3. The Legal and Social Implications of Affirmative Action in Higher Education

Aim: To examine affirmative action policies in college admissions in relation to the controversies that it brings.


  1. Discuss how slavery affected the black community in the United States of America and Canada.
  2. Examining the socio-economic implications of the initiatives.
  3. Discuss the effectiveness of other strategies in the enhancement of diversity in education.

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    4. The Intersection of LGBTQ+ Rights and Religious Freedom

    Aim: To identify the conflict between the legal protection of LGBTQ people and freedom of religion in modern legal and cultural contexts.


    1. Explore the contemporary case law of the extended right to equality for minorities of sexual orientation and gender and the clashing right to religious liberty.
    2. Research more case law around the subject of religion and the treatment of lesbians, gay, bisexual, Trans and queer people.
    3. Assess the proposals for conflict resolution in respect of rights that are conflicting in nature.

    5. Disability Rights and Accessibility since the ADA

    Aim: To effectively evaluate the principles and the long-term effects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in increasing the accessibility and accommodation of persons with disabilities.


    1. Revise a general account of how ADA has affected access.
    2. Examine the other constraints that hamper full engagement.
    3. Suggest policy measures that can improve the state of affairs of disability rights.

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    In Law Essay

    6. The Impact of Police Reform Legislation on Civil Rights Protections

    Aim: To measure the extent of change and progress since the implementation of police reform measures, including bias-free policing.


    1. Summarize the history of previous attempts at reforming the police.
    2. Examine Police reform legislation enacted in the recent past.
    3. Evaluate the effectiveness of police reform based on various views.

    7. Immigrant Rights in the United States

    Aim: To study the legal and social problems confronting immigrant populations in the United States.


    1. Research the political background of immigration policy.
    2. Identify and review the topics that are currently being discussed when it comes to immigration reform.
    3. Investigate and analyze attempts being made towards advocacy for the rights of immigrants.

    8. The Role of the Supreme Court in Shaping Civil Rights Law

    Aim: To evaluate the impact of the U. S. Supreme Court on the formation and evolution of civil rights law.


    1. The discussion involves a tracing of the evolution of Supreme Court decisions on civil rights.
    2. Examine the legal analysis in civil rights cases that have created a powerful impact.
    3. Assess the probable effects of the recent appointments to the Supreme Court.

    9. Environmental Justice and Civil Rights

    Aim: To discover how environmental problems affect SOJ in specific groups of people, particularly the marginalized ones.


    1. Analyze traditional threats experienced by vulnerable populations in an environmental context.
    2. Examine how social movements for the ecological award function.
    3. Evaluate governmental measures in relation to environmental justice.

    10. Effectiveness of International Human Rights Treaties

    Aim: To assess the role that international human rights treaties and conventions and their influence in enhancing civil liberties and justice in the world.


    1. Examine the general areas of the human rights treaties as well as the ratification status of each treaty.
    2. Identify and discuss the role of implementation and enforcement by member states.
    3. Examine the research findings for general measures to address emergencies for people with disabilities, as well as key issues and prospects for enhancing human rights support.



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