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Unique List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Law Research Topics

1. The Concept and Principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Aim: This research aims to review Alternative Dispute Resolution and to introduce the readers to its core concepts and principles in addressing disputes other than through legal courts.  


  • To explain what Alternative Dispute Resolution means and why is it important in today’s legal profession.  
  • To dig deeper into the major concepts of Alternative Dispute Resolution.  
  • To evaluate the expansion of Alternative Dispute Resolution in legal structures.
2. Mediation as a Form of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Aim: To examine the process of mediation with reference to its processes, strategies, and efficiency as an instrument in the conflict management.  


  • To explore the stages of mediation as a process.  
  • To evaluate the work of the mediator, the main competencies and possible ethical requirements for the mediator.  
  • To assess the benefits and drawbacks of mediation with regards to cost, time factor as well as on the relationships between the parties involved.
3. Arbitration: A Binding Alternative to Litigation

Aim: The aim of this paper is to define arbitration and analyse more thoroughly as a type of Alternative Dispute Resolution method, focusing on its procedures, legal effectiveness, and applicability to business conflicts.  


  • To analyse the legal aspect of arbitration, in regards to statutes like the Arbitration Act 1996 of United Kingdom.  
  • To compare and contrast arbitration and litigation mainly on procedural matters, confidentiality and enforceability of awards.  
  • To evaluate the efficiency of arbitration in different fields but in particular in the sphere of international commercial disputes and construction contracts.

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    4. Conciliation in Alternative Dispute Resolution System

    Aim: To investigate conciliation as a dispute resolution method, differentiating it from mediation and arbitration.


    • To explain what conciliation means and to look at the practical distinction between conciliation and mediation.  
    • To examine the use of conciliation in areas of practice like, family law, employment relations, and international relations.  
    • To define outcomes of conciliation in comparison with other Alternative Dispute Resolution methods.
    5. Tactics in Negotiation within Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Aim: To identify the negotiation styles and approaches used in the Alternative Dispute Resolution to reach win-win solutions.  


    • To look at what negotiators do and how they do it.  
    • To understand the different negotiation strategies.  
    • To evaluate the impact of culture in negotiations and its effects on the international Alternative Dispute Resolution systems.
    6. Alternative Dispute Resolution in Employment Disputes

    Aim: To examine the applicability of Alternative Dispute Resolution processes in the addressing of employment rights and workplace conflict in particular.  


    • To analyse the legal basis for Alternative Dispute Resolution.  
    • To evaluate the efficiency of mediation, arbitration and conciliation in handling grievances.  
    • To assess whether Alternative Dispute Resolution could be used to prevent organizational conflict.

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    7. Family Mediation: Resolving Family Disputes

    Aim: To examine the role of mediation as a means of addressing family conflict, with special reference to divorce and child custody.  


    • To explore the features of family mediation.  
    • To identify the legal basis for family mediation.  
    • To evaluate the extent to which family mediation promotes sustainable solutions.
    8. Alternative Dispute Resolution in commercial disputes

    Aim: To understand the role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in managing business disputes, with a view to demonstrating the advantages for companies.  


    • To compare the arbitration and mediation as two of the most frequently applied Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques in commercial disputes.  
    • To assess the utilitarian perspective on Alternative Dispute Resolution, its benefits to the business.  
    • To assess some examples of Alternative Dispute Resolution that has been applied in the resolution of commercial disputes.
    9. International Alternative Dispute Resolution and Cross Border Disputes

    Aim: To explore the nature of Alternative Dispute Resolution and particularly the problems and possibilities of cross-border arbitration and mediation.  


    • To identify the legal regulation of international Alternative Dispute Resolution by means of treaty and convention, including the UNCITRAL Model Law and the New York Convention.  
    • To evaluate the difficulties that parties encounter in international disputes.  
    • To assess the role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in international business.
    10. Trends for the Future of Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Aim: To identify new trends and developments in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution with reference made to technologies and new practices.  


    • To assess how technology can affect Alternative Dispute Resolution outcomes.  
    • To assess the rising importance of Alternative Dispute Resolution in different legal systems.  
    • To assess future developments of Alternative Dispute Resolution.



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